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Balczunatis, Johannes-Gottlieb

evangelisch, Losmann, * Augstupönen/Ostpreußen 15.11.1823, ~ Kirche, Szirgupönen/Ostpr. 19.11.1823, Taufpaten: xxx, + Augstupönnen/Ostpr. 27.01.1894, Losmann bedeutet: Nicht leibeigener Knecht, der zu den Erntezeiten , (Lostage) von Arbeit zu Arbeit wanderte. Speziell ostpreußisch., Interessant zur Namensänderung( aus dem web):, / BALCZUNAITIS is not the "correct" Lithuanian form of BALCZUNATIS , as Linas claims. Prussian-Lithuanian had both suffixes -aitis and -atis , which later became either -eit or -at., Kurschat says that -atis is the dominant form in the north (of Prussia), and -aitis more southern., Something else is more relevant here. BALCZUNATIS is derived from , BALCZUNAS, and BALCZUNAS from BALCZ(I)US meaning , "white-haired/weißhaarig". - UNAS and -A(I)TIS are so-called patronymic , suffixes. They were attached to the father's name and mean "son of"./

oo Gumbinnen bei Königsberg 18.03.1848 Magdalena Maurer

Quellen: Archiv Labinsky Achenbach 2010, Stammbuch Fam. Balschunat

Vater:Michael Balczunatis

Mutter:Dorothea Neumann

Kinder:Ernst-August Balczunat

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